Dungeons & Dragons (also known as D&D or DND) is a rule based, yet open-ended role-playing game. It is normally with the participants seated around a tabletop (hence, Tabletop RPG). Typically, each person controls only a single character. When working together as a group, these player characters (PCs) are often described as an adventure party. Each member of the party usually has their own area of unique skills or talents, which contributes to the success of the party. During play, each player directs the actions of their PC and their interactions with other characters in the story. This is performed through the verbal communication of the PCs by the players. A game often continues over a series of sessions to complete an adventure, or a series of adventures called a campaign.
The choices of the PCs, both individually, and as a party, influence the overall storyline for the game as determined by the Dungeon Master (DM). The DM selects and utilizes Non-Playable Characters (NPCs) , the settings in of the interaction of the PCs and NPCs, and to determine an outcome based off those interactions. Encounters often take the form of battles with a plethora of monsters, and other enemies. The DM utilizes the rules to cover the social interactions, the battles, and the environment these things take place, to determine the outcome of the story. The DM can choose to deviate from the published rule, or make a rule up if he/she so chooses, as stated in the core rulebooks.
The most recent versions of the game’s rules are detailed in three core books: the Dungeon Masters Guide, the Monster Manual, and the Players Handbook.
The only items that are truly required to play the game are the three core rulebooks, a character sheet( which is offered in the back of the Players Hand Book. or a set can be bought online) for each player, and a number of polyhedral dice. Many DMs and Players also incorporate miniature figures, and grid maps as a way to enhance play, mostly during combat. There are a lot of optional accessories available to enhance the game as well, such as expansion rulebooks, pre-designed adventures and pre-done campaign settings.